Court Refuses to Hear Christian Baker’s Appeal

Colorado Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Christian Baker’s Appeal on Gay Wedding Cakes

“We all have a right to our personal beliefs, but we do not have a right to impose those beliefs on others and harm them.”

That was from the gay rights team… go figure. It is okay for gay people to force their beliefs on others, but not the other way around.

The next front: transgender PC attacks

In New York, You Could Be Fined $250K for Failing to Use a Transgender Person’s ‘Preferred’ Pronoun via @kelseyjharkness @DailySignal

Attacking businesses forcing them to accept transgender is the PC attack gay marriage rights people will focus on.

Houston wanted to force “gender neutral” restrooms

Here’s How Houston Voted on Controversial Ballot Measure

“The proposed law defines gender identity as ‘innate identification, appearance, expression, or behavior as either male or female, although the same may not correspond to the individual’s body or gender assigned at birth”

The next battle ground for the LGBT extremists after the supreme court legalized same sex marriage.

Liberals are NEVER satisfied since their rest state is to be miserable. Thus they seek the Big Government to make others feel like they do… miserable.